Have a Job for us?

작업문의를 원하시면 010 2920 7146 (주희돈 실장) 또는 아래 이메일로 언제든지 연락 주시면 친절하게 상담해드리겠습니다.

For all job enquiries or returning business, please contact our Sales Manager, Heedon.ju on +82 02 6080 7146 or by email from the bottom of the page.

Where you can find us


경기도 구리시 갈매순환로126번길 57 1층

1 floor, 57 , Galmaesunhwan-ro 126beon-gil , Guri-si , Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Phone : +82 010 2920 7146

e-mail : info@midisoir.com


Email us

Please give a detailed brief of what you require, or if you're not quite sure, just let us know that you'd like someone to get in touch to discuss your project. We are happy to have a free, no obligation chat about how we can provide you the best value outcome.

Want to work for us?

If you're a talented CG artist with architectural rendering experience, please email your CV and some examples of your work to info@midisoir.com (the more the better). Ideally, you will be highly-skilled in 3DS Max and V-Ray, have good skills in Photoshop and After Effects, and be capable of running a project with minimal supervision.